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Melanie Wilks



A5 Wakefield Cathedral Exhibition 2017 c

Meanderings of the Mind, Alabaster


Omphalos, Red St Bees sandstone

I specialise in carving sculpture in stone. It's a wonderful material - beautiful, strong and enduring. I love to carve directly in stone, using hand held tools, so that I'm intimately involved in the production of my sculpture from start to finish. My creative process begins with drawing to develop ideas and arrive at an initial design. I refer to these drawings whilst carving, using them as a guide rather than a definitive blueprint because I want to respond to the character of the stone, working with the material rather than imposing upon it, letting it speak to me - that's the beauty of hand carving.


Biographical in nature, my sculpture often reflects what is happening in my life at the time of making or in the recent past. Themes relate to the human condition, we all share common experiences in life and share similar feelings, hopefully some will resonate with others. 

Melanie Wilks MA


Bulbed Blend, Red Sandstone

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Outside, Limestone and sandstone

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