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Media Intrusion 2020, animation (still)

Using objects appropriated from cartoons, Vincent James makes artwork across a range of media including sculpture, collage and animation.  In his work props dislocated from different cartoon worlds collide, creating surreal and whimsical interactions.


Since completing an MA at Goldsmiths in 1999 Vincent has shown nationally and internationally including exhibitions in New York, Los Angeles and Sao Paulo.  Exhibitions include Sew What?, a solo show at Studio 2, Todmorden, inclusion in the group show Merry-Go-Round-Broke-Down at Air Gallery, Altringham and a residency and solo exhibition for Art Fair Suomi, Helsinki.


His work is part of the Frederick R Weisman Art Foundation Collection, California and Touchstones Art Gallery Permanent Collection, Rochdale.  Vincent’s animation Media Intrusion has been selected for the Yorkshire Short Film Competition at Leeds International Film Festival 2020.


Peepers, 2019, fabric, toy stuffing and wire

Photo: Simon Pantling

Heartburn (1).jpg

Heartburn, 2018, fabric, toy stuffing, tissue paper, cardboard and wood

Moveable Feast.jpg

Movable Feast, 2019-20, fabric, toy stuffing, wood and acrylic tubing 

Bagged Up.jpg

Bagged Up, 2019, fabric, toy stuffing and wood

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